Information for author's
Submission Guidelines
The Editorial Board invites to cooperate all experts interested in Communication Studies and related subjects. The materials are published both in Russian and English languages.
The Journal is published four times a year. Every year the deadline for submitting articles for the first issue is February 1; for the second - April 1; for the third – August 1; for the fourth - October 1.
Authors should not submit an article to the journal that is already published in another journal, as well as an article that is under consideration in another journal.
The article should comply with Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Web of Science and Scopus, i.e. in addition to the main text the article should include the following information in Russian and
English languages:
1. Universal Decimal Classification.
2. Title of the article (in capital letters); initials and surname of the author (s); abstract (summary); key words (5-8 words separated by a comma) provided in Russian. Please, pay attention to the fact that the volume of an abstract to the article in the international Journal is usually about 150-200 words. The abstract should be prepared independently, and not to repeat the pieces of a paper.
3. Information of the item 2 in the same sequence - in English (full name of the author (s) - transliterated) - after the main text of the article (See an example below).
4. The full text of the article in English or Russian. The length of the article is 8-15 pages (14 pts font, single-spaced). The main text should be divided into the semantic parts with headlines and include: 1. Introduction (the formulation of the issue, relevance, a brief review of the scientific literature on the topic, a clear object of the work). 2. Description of the material and methods of research. 3. Presentation of results / Discussion (description of the analysis and results obtained). Possible subsections. 4. Conclusion (main findings of the research).
5. Pictures and graphics are accepted only in high resolution (at least 300 pixels). Make sure that the tables and figures are numbered in the order in which they appear in the article and are provided with corresponding explanations in the text. The captions to the tables are made in a smaller font and are placed above the table; the captions to the pictures are made in a smaller font and are placed under the picture. Tables and pictures should not be outside the text area.
6. References in Russian. References should be listed alphabetically, in the case of multiple references to one author - chronologically. The list of references should include all and only references that are actually mentioned in the text. The number of references must be at least 20. References to your works - no more than 20%. References to sources in a foreign language at least 30%. Works published for the past 5-10 years - not less than 30%. All sources should be presented with pages, year of issue, city and publishing house.
7. References in the Latin alphabet: transliteration of the author's name; year of publication (in parentheses); the italicized transliteration of the source name and - in square brackets - its translation into English; if it is a publication in a collected articles or a journal, the name of the material should be given by a similar principle mentioned above, not emphasizing in italics and separating from the source name by a point; English version of the publication and transliteration of the name of the publishing organization (indicating publ.). Other data (information about the editors or contributors, information about the publication, issue number, volume) are translated into English using the adopted abbreviations (See an example below). If imprint of the source has already some translation of the necessary elements (usually in the case of journal publications or translated literature), as well as in the case of common titles (for example, “collected works” or “explanatory dictionary”), in the description of the source it is enough to provide only the translation, without any transliteration, but, please, give the source language in parentheses at the end of the description (in Russian). Sources in the references in the Latin alphabet are presented in the same order as in the references in Russian.
8. Provide a list of sources of speech illustrations in case if the author considers it is necessary to present. It is made out separately under the name “Sources” according to the above mentioned rules.
9. Information about the authors: name, surname, academic degree; academic title; position at the organization, organization; legal address of the organization (not your home address); E-mail of the author (s).
10. Information of the item 8 in English in the same sequence: surname, name of the author (s); academic degree; academic title; position; name of the organization; the legal address of the organization; E-mail.
Key Formatting Issues
Use Times New Roman: 14 pts fonts for the main text, 12 pt for references, abstracts and key words. All text should be single-spaced. Indent the first line of each paragraph by 10 mm. All margins are 20 mm. When submitting the article including notes and references, keep the text for your manuscript under 30,000 characters, including spaces, remarks and references.
It is essential that the references are formatted to the specifications given in these guidelines. This Journal uses the “Author-Date” style [Ivanov 2008:25].
Speech illustrations are typed in italics, bold, and without quotation marks.
Reference to the source of actual material is made in parentheses in the following ways:
(Ulitskaya L. Sacred garbage),
(Elsevier. 2013. No.1),
(NTV. Today. 7.08.2013),
( / analitics / 54 3.3.2013).
Footnotes should be kept to an absolute minimum. Note indicators in the text should appear at the end of sentences or phrases, and follow the respective numeration. Footnotes should preferably be placed at the end of the page.
Abbreviations, symbols and citations are made in accordance with generally accepted standards.
We draw authors’ attention to the fact that in the international journal some information is presented in English (the headings of articles, abstracts, key words, the names of organizations to which the author is assigned, and imprint). Authors are responsible for the quality of the translation. The other part, which is not translated into English (authors' names, Russian names of primary sources in references, names of organizations and publishers), presented in the original in Cyrillic, must be represented in the Roman (Latin) alphabet in one of the adopted transliteration systems (BSI is preferable).
This requirement is mandatory in journals peer-reviewed by the international scientific citation systems Web of Science and Scopus.
Список литературы
Книга: Бенвенист Э. Общая лингвистика. М.: Прогресс, 1974. 448 с.
Статья в журнале: Кибрик А.А. Когнитивные исследования по дискурсу // Вопросы языкознания. 1994. № 5. С. 126–139.
Часть книги: Серль Дж. Косвенные речевые акты / пер. с англ. Н.В. Перцова // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Вып. XVII. М., 1986. С. 195-222.
Материалы конференции: Кабакова Ю.А. Убеждение как сложный комплексный речевой акт // Теория и практика германских и романских языков: мат. Всерос. науч.-практ. конф. Ульяновск, 2000. С. 96–98.
Электронный ресурс: Гусейнов Г.Ч. Заметки к антропологии русского Интернета // НЛО. 2000. № 43. URL: 2000/43/main8.html (дата обращения: 01.06.2006).
Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского: официальный сайт. URL: (дата обращения: 24.02.2012).
Book: Benveniste, E. (1974), Obshchaya lingvistika [The General Linguistics], Moscow, Progress publ., 448 p.
Article: Kibrik, A.A. (1994), Kognitivnye issledovaniya po diskursu [Cognitive research on discourse]. Topics in the study of language, no. 5, pp. 126-139.
Part of a book: Searle, J. (1986), Indirect speech acts. Novoe v zarubezhnoi lingvistike [New in foreign linguistics], translated from English by N.V. Pertsov, Moscow, iss. XVII, pp. 195-222. (in Russian).
Conference proceedings: Kabakova, Yu.A. (2000), Ubezhdenie kak slozhnyi kompleksnyi rechevoi akt [Persuasion as a complex integrated speech act]. Teoriya i praktika germanskikh i romanskikh yazykov [Theory and practice of Ger¬man and Romance Languages], Materials of All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Ulyanovsk, pp. 96-98.
Electronic resource: Guseinov, G.Ch. (2000), Zametki k antropologii russkogo Interneta [Notes to the Anthropology of the Russian Internet]. New Literary Observer, no. 43, available at: http://maga¬ main8.html (accessed date: June 1, 2006).
Dostoevsky Omsk State University, available at: (accessed date: Febrary 24, 2012).
Example of an article in Russian
Петров В.В.
Омский государственный педагогический университет (Омск, Россия)
Подготовлено при поддержке гранта…
Ключевые слова:
Сведения об авторе (авторах):
Петров Виктор Васильевич, профессор, доктор филологических наук.
Контактная информация:
Почтовый адрес:
Текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи [1]. Текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи [2]. Текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи [3]. Текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи [1]. Текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи [3]. Текст статьи текст статьи текст статьи.
Список литературы
Petrov V.V.
Omsk State Pedagogical University (Omsk, Russia)
Key words:
About the author (authors):
Corresponding author:
Postal address
Acknowledgements: (link to the grant if available)
Name of the article
Petrov V.V.
Omsk State Pedagogical University (Omsk, Russia)
Key words:
About the author (authors):
Corresponding author:
Postal address
Acknowledgements: (link to the grant if available)
Text of the article Text of the article Text of the article Text of the article Text of the article [1]. Text of the article Text of the article Text of the article Text of the article [2]. Text of the article
Text of the article [3].
References (in Russian)
Name of the article (in Russian)
Author (s) name, name of the organization (in Russian)
Abstract and key words (in Russian)
Please note: we will not accept the materials that do not meet the subject area of the Journal nor fit the above mentioned requirements.
Each submitted article is reviewed by two anonymous reviewers among Russian and foreign scientists with expertise in the article issues. The article is sent to the reviewers anonymously, that is without the name of the author of the article and its data. The reviewer should evaluate the article compliance with the subject area of the Journal, urgency and originality of the work, material and language analysis, write a brief justification / recommendations. Notes contained in the reviews (if any) are sent to the author (without the name of the reviewer). The Editorial Board makes a decision whether to publish the article or not, taking into account the opinion of the reviewer.
Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Prospekt Mira 55A, Omsk, Russia
Faculty of Philology and Media Communications. Tel.: +7 (3812) 229-815
Chair of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Tel.: +7 (3812) 670-620
Editor-in-chief Oxana Sergeevna Issers
Executive editor Marina Viktorovna Terskikh (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)